environmental club

The Environmental Club is a connection to the Leader in Me Curriculum.  Students are working together to enhance the learning environment throughout the school.  By focusing on motivation and inspiration, it is their hope to increase morale and help motivate the student body.

Members of the club are giving up a few hours each Saturday to come and work on a variety of projects including designing positive promotional signs and posters which are hung around the building.  The club has also embarked on the challenge to Inspire A Teacher. "The focus was to think about how we can make our school better by inspiring others, via good acts, appreciation, kind words, and positive behavior," said club sponsor Victoria Grogan. 

They are also currently working on a fundraiser where students and staff can purchase a reflective painted paw print on the walkway leading to the front door. Club members plan to paint the paws sometime in March. They also have plans to plant tiger lilies around the school later in the spring as well as other painting projects inside the building.  the  students who participate, work diligently on Saturdays from 2 to 4 pm.  Any student who would like to participate can still submit an application (next to the office).

Students can still join the Environmental Club by submitting an application, located outside the main office. The club meets each Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.