Graduation Cap

Graduation is scheduled for May 27, 2022 at 6:00 pm.  Hunnicutt Stadium is the tentative location and would be moved into the school gymnasium in the event of bad weather.  This is a tentative schedule of events and is subject to change based on COVID-19 guidelines. 

The dates for senior activities are listed below.  Please remember that all practices for graduation are mandatory for those students planning to walk in the ceremony.  The schedule is as follows:

**May ?-Senior Exam dates to be announced.  Dates will be posted as soon as they are available.

**May 26th-Graduation practice.  Students must be with their homerooms by 9:00 am.

**May 27th-Graduation Day.  Seniors are to report to assigned homerooms by 5:00 pm.  Attendance sheets will be collected at that time.  

For the graduation ceremony, the young ladies are expected to wear a dress (any color) or skirt (any color) or navy or black dress pants and black flats.  No heels can be worn on the turf.  The dress or skirt may not hang below the gown and the shoes must have  a heel strap or enclosed heel (no flip-flops).  The gentlemen are to wear navy or black dress slacks (no jeans), a white shirt with a collar, and a tie.  Additionally, they are to to wear black dress shoes or black tennis shoe with black soles and dark socks.  No dress boots allowed on the field turf.  No one will be allowed to wear a decorated cap. 

Due to health and safety protocols, ticket distribution for guests could be limited.  Each senior will receive their allotment of tickets to the ceremony during graduation practice.  To ensure all guests can enjoy this celebration, we ask that noisemakers such as air horns, bullhorns, cowbells, etc. not be used during the ceremony and that everyone remain seated until the end of the graduation program. 

All seniors are expected to behave in a mature manner.  Anyone creating a disturbance will not be allowed to attend Project Graduation. 

 Should you have any question or concerns, please contact Mrs. Heather Austin, Mrs. Laura Presley, Mrs. Larrissa Roberts, or Mrs. Jeseca Sowder at 304-425-8101.